What are Adopt-A-Blocks?
The Adopt-a-Block program are people who have come together to love, reach, and serve the city of Asheville through practical acts of service. These acts of service range from lawn care and home repair to delivering toys for Christmas and playing games in the neighborhood on an event Saturday. The Asheville Dream Center partners with local churches, businesses, and individuals to serve and love the community.
The Vision
The vision of Adopt-a-Block is to build long-term relationships with the people we interact with on an outreach Saturday. As we serve each week, we believe that God is creating supernatural change and making a lasting impact in the lives of each person with whom we meet. Adopt-a-Block provides vision and structure to the body of Christ so that through relationship-building and joyful service, Christʼs love revolutionizes communities, one block at a time!
Volunteer Rally begins at 9 AM with city-wide prayer at:
Fosters Church Gym
375 Hendersonville Rd
Asheville, NC 28803
Fosters Church Gym
375 Hendersonville Rd
Asheville, NC 28803
Register to join an Adopt-A-Block!
Wanting more information about our Adopt-A-Block program?
Fill out this form and we will get back to you soon!